Get Psyched Sports


This 501(c)(3) Massachusetts nonprofit is dedicated to advancing a model of high school and youth sports teams where facilitating coaches intentionally and explicitly teach empowered students social-emotional learning (SEL) and sport psychology skills within a positive, safe, supportive student-centric framework.

GetPsychedSports Initiatives

End Abusive Coaching Campaign

A National Campaign to Remodel the Way Athletics is Taught has launched a national campaign to begin a conversation about modernizing the way we teach sports using the sciences of achievement such as sport psychology and social emotional learning. 

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An Act To Remodel Public School Athletics
through Social Emotional Learning
(SD.743/HD.1452) caused the filing by the Massachusetts Senate Majority Leader and State Representative in January 2025, an Act that would require the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to publish guidelines for the implementation of a social emotional learning curriculum for use on middle and high school sports teams.

Remodeling Sports
to Transform Lives

An Example of a Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
for High School Sports Teams has written an up-to-date, science-based curriculum for sports teams that is available free-of-any charges as an example of what curricula could look like for any school district.

Tell Us Your Story

It’s all anonymous, but your story about your emotional experiences on a sports team adds a voice for change.

See for more information. is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit
that remodels interscholastic and youth teams
for the 21st century